The gardening year is drawing to a close and I would like to pause to thank Pythouse garden and all the people who mind her for making a place for me here over the previous months.

Heather, the inspirational and hardworking head gardener, who has patiently answered my endless questions - even if she has done her best to dodge my camera.

And Mitch and his staff who have always made me welcome.

I have followed the garden from the first sprigs of spring through the sunshine and rain of a Wiltshire summer and autumn, to the bedding down frosts of the garden at Christmas time.

One of my greatest pleasures has been watching the children playing in the garden,

even if they shouldn't really wade barefoot into the beds!

Shopping in the kitchen garden shop is always much more enjoyable when you meet such rosy faced customers.

I would particularly like to thank Matt and Aggie who have fed me so well,

from breakfast through to ...

lunch ...

and when that was finished there was always cake!

I have talked with friends over late night suppers on a Thursday night

having first wandered around the garden with a glass of wine in my hand.

The year has been a time for sharing conversation under the apple trees

and sharing in the preparations for tea parties,

with spotty cups,

vintage floral china,

plus home made cup-cakes and peach balloons.

I have seen the potting shed decked out in festive bunting,