I feel I should be wearing an Easter Bonnet!

The bunting stirs gently in the breeze and the sun has definitely come out to play. As have many from the surrounding villages.

Some people have travelled further and I overhear two families exchanging views of bringing children up in London - the pressure for schools, the pressure, it seems, on just about everything.
Oh, how much nicer to spend your time sitting in the garden.

Someone is very keen to see the Easter lambs. I don't enquire too closely whether Matt the chef has been to visit them yet.

I even spot the Easter Bunny.

In the shade of the apple tree there is face painting,

and in the distance I can see Keira has a customer for the Easter egg hunt.

A number of local businesses have set up stalls in the garden and the Potting Shed. A group of woodland artisans are promoting their baskets - they make everything from yurts to coffins and will also teach you, as they run basket making classes (I guess the coffin making comes later!).

Joanna, who helps waitress in the Potting Shed,
has a stall of her wonderfully wacky jewelery

and Joanna persuades fellow waitress Jenny to model for her.

Their are stalls selling, cushions and pictures and eco-friendly toys. Plus Olivia Boon's fascinators and hats. Very royal wedding.

I linger longest by the local wines from Fonthill Glebe Wines. John, who helps pick, bottle (and drink) the wine persuades me to try the light and fruity red
"A little like myself forty years ago!"

A natural step from the wine to the food.

Matt and Aggie are serving a barbecue with home grown salads and at the stall next to them is local ice cream. Perfect.