As I drive to Pythouse I nearly crash as I spot a sign by the road near to Mitch's wife, Clementines' shop. On the chalk board are the words "It's a Boy!"

On Tuesday Clementine gave birth to Orlando, a brother for Joshua - and Dad delivered the baby. Mitch and Clementine had always planned a home birth but hoped that would include a midwife! As it turned out Mitch delivered his son just as the midwife came through the door.

As I chat to Mitch and congratulate him, my daughter Libby is distracted by the colour your own bunting.

She asks rather wistfully, "Is nineteen too old to be colouring in bunting?"

Absolutely not!
I've never seen the DIY buntings to color. Reminds me that I need to make one for my MIL's birthday next Saturday. I'd best get busy.♥♫