I have been away for a while and it is with a feeling of childish excitement that I drive over to Pythouse Garden.

The cafe is closed for a birthday lunch and an art exhibition, but in the garden it is business as usual.

The recent weeks of sporadic sunshine and showers are just what the gardener ordered, and all around me the beds are looking plump and green.

In front of the cafe there has been a miraculous change in the pick-your-own flower beds. The sweet peas have engulfed the bamboo wigwams in a beautiful, fragrant tangled mess.

The cosmos is going crazy,

and the sunflowers are perfect for picking.

The obvious choice to grace an art exhibition!

I catch up with Heather, the head gardener, who is delighted with this year's progress. She has found the fruit and flowers are about a month early due to the hot spring weather, but she is not complaining. The apricots have been picked and the pears and kiwis are just about ready.

Fruit is on sale in the shop and you can also come and pick your own raspberries. Someone who has been doing just that is Jenny from the Chilmark village Gardening Club. She has had the smart idea to turn them into ice cream. Before I take anymore photos I grab a pot of her raspberry and her gooseberry ice cream. (I used to buy my ice cream from Pat Archer ....but since Clary has been ill ....)

Heather is particularly proud of her cabbages and leaks - and she has every right to be!

She tells me people have been coming to the garden to photograph them - what can I say?!

Also doing well is the beetroot, spinach, chard, and in the greenhouse and poly tunnels, the tomatoes and peppers.

Down the bottom of the garden the runner beans (my favourite) are just about ready and the firm cane trellises that I saw Heather's dad building earlier this year are completely covered. I have a feeling he will be back soon as Heather tells me she has plans for grapes next year which will need their own wooden framework.

Once some of the space near the rhubarb is cleared Heather is also planning some asparagus beds and at the top of the garden she is currently planting Red Russian Kale.
What a wonderful place to have nearby and spend time regularly!